LinkedIn Links Help Websites – Fast Friday Fact

By now you probably know that links from sites with content relevant to your own site are a big signal to search engines.  Many “trusted” links can literally propel a small site’s ability to show side-by-side with household names.

But did you know that business social media site LinkedIn has some fine links you can use?  If you’re not a search or online marketer, you’ll want to use your agency to help you plan this, but you can deep link from employee profiles to relevant pages within your company’s website.

You’ll simply waste time by doing this improperly so talk with an expert if you’re not sure how to optimize this process, but if your employees are already on the site with the default “My Company” link, you’re squandering a free opportunity

Remember, optimizing for human usability and search engine friendliness is not a one or two item initiative.  A thousand little things make the difference, and this is one of those thousand.  And it’s a nice branding opportunity too!

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