SPOTLIGHT: Google Webmaster Guidelines, Facebook Reactions

Google changed its Webmaster Guidelines this week. The search company issued new instructions about using encrypted web pages, mobile friendly content, accessibility, and lots of technical pages. Our motto: do what Google says because it’s hard enough to be successful without fighting them.
Those icons are part of the new Facebook Reaction buttons that will supplement the Facebook LIKE button “in the next few weeks” after testing in Ireland and Spain. The Facebook like button is clicked 6 billion times every day. It’s a treasure trove of data–and now users will sort those billions of interactions for Facebook.
Facebook also announced that last year’s revenue was nearly $18 billion. That gives Mark Zuckerberg (above) plenty of reasons to smile. Profit? A measly four billion dollars.

QZ, a popular digital business blog, did some rough calculations by continent and found that each North American account was worth $41.65 in revenue to Facebook. It’s a simple calculation that shows the power of Facebook advertising.

Google’s John Mueller is issuing guidance for websites and small businesses nearly every week. In Tuesday’s online chat, he announced that Google would pick a shorter URL (web address) if there were two pages with similiar content and ranking signals. We’ve always advocated for short, simple, and descriptive URLs. Now there’s an even better reason to continue advocating for them.

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