SPOTLIGHT: Google Play Music Ads, Mobile Payment Stagnation


Google launches a free streaming music service and is now wooing advertisers to W-GOOG. (They didn’t call it that) Microsoft Office is now available on Android, another challenge to Google. There is also news that Instagram photos are getting used for ads much like Flickr’s were at one time, and news from the Harris Poll suggests more awareness, but less usage of mobile payment options.

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

These Luxury Hotel Ads Use Instagram Shots Instead of Professional Photos

This is a continuing trend from Flickr and now to Instagram. Photographers, be aware, and small businesses, take note.

Microsoft Office for Android Now Available to All

Microsoft Office for Android Now Available to All

Microsoft & Google continue chasing the office suite crowd. Now the Office products are available on Google-centric Android devices.

NEW: ads on Google Play Music

NEW: ads on Google Play Music

Advertisers can target streaming music listeners with ads on the new free Google Play for music.

Interest in Mobile Payments Remains Stagnant

Interest in Mobile Payments Remains Stagnant

New data from the Harris Poll people about mobile payments. People know about the trend; it’s just not growing much.


States United to Prevent Gun Violence

States United to Prevent Gun Violence

Our friends at States Unted ran a PSA several months ago about opening a gun shop in New York. Everyone seemed to love its creativity and powerful message.

Last week, the video won multiple awards (including golds) at the Cannes Lions Awards for creativity.

Click the image to see the video.

App of the Week

ToDoist Integrates with Evernote

ToDoist Integrates with Evernote

Todoist was already a hot task manager and its new free integration with Evernote Premium makes it an even more intriguing choice.

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Have a great week!

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