Most search marketers insisted a major Google update happened about a week after the big mobile update in late April. Google finally confirmed that to an industry blog, but has made no other public comment. They’re quite proud, however, of adding Twitter to their mobile search results. And e-Marketer took a great look at email click rates that affect nearly every organization

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

Ad of the Week

App of the Week


News You Should Know

Ad of the Week

App of the Week




Advertisers on Bing may soon start an “Official” tag by their site’s names for items they create. That’s powerful advertising.

If people share your ad or content, they’re probably using Facebook. A new analysis shows 85% of social sharing is happening there. LinkedIn? Not so much.

And that is what you need to know this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

App of the Week

Ad of the Week
