SPOTLIGHT: FTC Fines LifeLock, New FB Messenger Features

Google’s test of FOUR ads at the top of each page is continuing into the holidays, reports SEM Post.

What does that mean for you? It’s a test that you might see now since 1% of searches are affected. We will cover it in detail if it becomes a design change. Until then, remember that ads on Google search pages have a small orange-colored block with the word “Ad” in front. 

Facebook announced changes to Messenger this week that include “Photo Magic”, a feature that will recognize the people in the picture and send the picture with only two taps on your phone. You already know to be careful with this feature. You can even update your mother’s name to “Mom” so you don’t have to message her by her first and last names. Because Mom.
LifeLock will pay $100 million to the Federal Trade Comission (FTC)  for violating a 2010 consumer protection order. 

Please stay informed before buying from this company that spends a lot of money advertising online. This is the second serious action the federal government has taken after a fine of $12 million was levied in 2010. The agency says LifeLock “falsely advertised that it prottected consumers’ sensitive data”. 

Google announced plans to restore “Trusted Voice” to Android phones so that you can unlock your cell phone by voice command.

There is a public beta program of the tool for the very brave.

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