SPOTLIGHT: Facebook & Google Battle for Best Local Services Search

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Facebook continues refining its professional and local services search pages. There are still many issues with the service, but when more than one billion people have an active account, you owe it to your organization to know what Facebook is doing for you or your competitiors.
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You can examine Google’s counter to Facebook by looking at its new local service search features.thanks to this terrific article by The SEM Post that shows google will not be left behind in the local / mobile space for small business searches.
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A study of more than 400 million Tweets made in 2015 shows that there weas a lot of agreement among four big topics. Take a look at the details of the biggest Twitter subjects.
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Twitter is adding new teeth to its abuse policies to protect people from inappropriate messages.Among the new mandatory steps in such cases are name and telephone verification before an account can be unlocked once it is involved in abuse. Removing anonymity is a great first step to curbing abuse.

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