Pi R Tomorrow – Fast Friday Fact

Tomorrow is March 14.   That’s the day geeks and tech companies celebrate Pi Day. What’s so special about this number you remember from junior high school?

Pi is an irrational number.

You may have learned the number as 3.14 and a lot of other trailing numbers.  The value has been calculated to hundreds of millions of decimal places, but never ends, sort of like an infomercial playing in a doctor’s waiting room. With tomorrow being Saturday, you can treat yourself to a piece of apple, blueberry or any flavor pie you might like.

And if you’re running a business, have some fun on Friday the 13th (a whole ‘nother story) and treat your team to a pie feast today at 3:14 p.m. in honor of that irrational event.

Speaking of irrational and because lightning fast promotions are one of my favorite things to do, we have a PI Online Marketing Deal for you.

If you purchase our Search Engine Optimization audit before Monday at 5 p.m.  eastern time, you only pay $314. The audit covers all elements of your site:   the words that are used, the signals and cues search engines receive, keyword research, competitive analysis and even how the site is programmed.  You’ll receive a report that typically runs dozens of pages with actionable items you can implement and a prioritized list for things you may want to outsource to an online marketer. Our typical audit takes a certified marketer about 10 hours to complete.  You get one for only $314, but you have to order the search engine audit of your site now by clicking this link. Yes, it’s a crazy price, but we like our pi.

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