Internet Speed, Reach Demand Customer Focus – Guest Blog

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The Internet is one more reason to focus on Customer Service

There is old saying that a happy customer will tell one person about their good experience and an unhappy customer will tell 100 people about their bad experience.  The Internet and social media have made that even more true today than ever before!  A customer can write a blog about your business complaints in a ranting mode or even in a professional mode setting up a web site dedicated to their complaint either way, it is bad publicity for a business.  

And it is not just people who can write their own blog or even their own web site, the average customer has so many places to turn to write comments today Yelp for local reviews, Epinions for product reviews and more similar sites spring up every day. Many businesses worry about the impact of these ratings and negative reviews.

The growth and importance of search engine marketing has brought this to even greater heights as these reviews can show up in search results providing one more reason to focus on customer service.  Now, its not like the average business should need any additional motivation to deliver good customer service but SEM is a way for them to extract even more value from delivering great service!

Dont spent time and energy worrying about the negative embrace this new age of social media and encourage your happy customers to talk about you on the Internet  Publicity, positive comments and improved search engine results whats not to like!

Use the power of your satisfied customers to turn around the old saying into a 21st century adage – a happy customer can tell 1,000 people about their good experience!


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