What Image Does Your Company Project?

Not Target. They have cool lights that help brand and save money.

What image is projected by your company’s normal operations? While wandering through a Target recently, I was pleased to see that the lights in the refrigerated food cases (it’s a big Target) snapped on as I approached them.  They really do care about the environment was the message I took away.  A few seconds later, I wondered how much money this move was saving the company.

The Department of Energy says electricity costs for US commercial customers in January was 9.58 cents per kilowatt hour. In an article covering the change just last month, LEDs Magazine writes that Target is replacing the lights in 500 stores.   The article also says that Target expects to save 15 million kilowatt hours by making the move. Now Target may pay less for its electricity, but just using the average, I already did the math for you.  If the average holds, Target will save over $1.4 million dollars every year once the retrofit is paid for.

Think about things this way:  Target impressed me and burnished its brand by demonstrating the company cares about the environment.  Then they impressed as a businessperson by saving a lot of money in the process.  And they impressed me as a geek because it was cool to watch the lights come on as I walked down the aisle. What is your small business doing today to create a “Wow, that’s cool!” moment that coincidentally saves money?


  • Mary Ann

    Mary Ann

    Like many companies that care about the environment one of our goals for several years has been to become as paperless as a law office can possibly be. That includes scanning documents rather than keeping copies, email communications whenever possible, obtaining records and filing documents on line or on disk.

  • George Bounacos

    George Bounacos

    That is a terrific goal. It's one I've been aspiring to as well. When faced with paper, say a tax or government filing, I often ask “Is this worth putting in archival quality protectors and in a binder?” If yes, that's what I do so that's where bank statements, tax reports, agreements and so on are. If not, I keep the digital copy in 2 places.

    But beyond being a good business citizen and going paperless, you can also share with your clients and partners how much paper you're avoiding every year and what that means in environmental terms. And you're uniquely positioned to be able to advise clients what documents they need to create or retain. It's a core competency you may not even be using and a value add to anyone who pays a retainer.

  • George Bounacos

    George Bounacos

    That is a terrific goal. It's one I've been aspiring to as well. When faced with paper, say a tax or government filing, I often ask “Is this worth putting in archival quality protectors and in a binder?” If yes, that's what I do so that's where bank statements, tax reports, agreements and so on are. If not, I keep the digital copy in 2 places.

    But beyond being a good business citizen and going paperless, you can also share with your clients and partners how much paper you're avoiding every year and what that means in environmental terms. And you're uniquely positioned to be able to advise clients what documents they need to create or retain. It's a core competency you may not even be using and a value add to anyone who pays a retainer.

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