Google Trends Tracks TV – Fast Friday Fact

Yes, we know that porn and domain names are often searched on all search engines, including Google.  What’s always fascinating is when a TBS or TNT movie shows up in a rotation and sparks two hours of searching for a so-so flick from a decade ago.
TV juggernaut American Idol is no different and is more extreme.  As the talent show cut singers to reach its final 12 contestants, songs that the contestants chose immediately hit the Google Trends list of most popular searches.
On a day when Citi threatened to evaporate, GM hinted at bankruptcy, multiple wars continued to be fought and America searched for… Tell Me Something Good, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Black Horse and A Cherry Tree, and so on.
You ignore American Idol at your own risk.  Even with virtually no suspense (the finals are in late spring), the show can create multiple hours of search traffic.  Find out more at Google Trends.
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