Making the World a Better Place

As we evaluate Silver Beacon in its ninth year, we reflect on why we keep a small hands-on client presence instead of building the company. We spent some time in September asking ourselves hard questions about our motivations and our work with nonprofit organizations.

Every iteration ended with some form of this idea so we wrote it down:

We believe that the Internet can be a powerful tool for helping organizations make the world a better, more positive place in which to work and live.

This is our energizing motivation. It is the reason why we do this kind of work in this way. And this week, we’re launching a program to build on that belief.

We know that many of you serve on boards or volunteer with an organization. These groups feed the hungry, help people displaced by extreme weather, and teach people how to read. Help us identify worthy nonprofits and help those organizations you care about. We’re giving a complete digital audit to a deserving nonprofit. One of you will nominate the winning organization.

There is no fee or any payment involved. We’ll pick the first winner based on what you tell us about a deserving organization.

Send an email with the details of what they do to Make sure you tell us WHY you’re nominating them.

The winning organization receives a free evaluation of their website, search engine efforts, social media, and messaging. We charge $2,300 for that service and do a lot of these audits.

We’ll also tell our readers about the project, and the things we find and recommend. Maybe you’ll find some tips for your own organization, or it will inspire you to nominate a project that is meaningful to you in the future. Hopefully it will remind everyone that there are good things being done by good people every day, and that we can all help them succeed in some way. Please send your nominations by Wednesday night.

If you’re working with someone or trying to reach an organization, let me know, and we can work with you on the deadline.

Your spotlight stories from Silver Beacon Marketing for October 10:

Header photo by Mary Vogt. Other images are thumbnails from content on newsworthy websites and serve as links under the provisions of fair use.

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