Silver Beacon Spotlight: Google Wants Mobile-Friendly Sites, Readers Lane, New Addictive Game Google Feud

Doesn’t it seem like half of the country picked this week for vacation?

Between Passover, Easter, school vacations, March madness, the Opening Day of baseball season and April Fool’s Day, this is one busy week for most folks. Those of you not on vacation this week need to know this:

Google will demand “mobile-friendly” websites beginning the week of April 21. What does that mean for you? We have a Google link that checks your website’s compliance. Please talk with us fast if your website does not pass this test. Google is maintaining its normal tight-lipped stance on any penalties, but they didn’t build a tool for every website in the world and rile up the digital marketing community for nothing. You ignore bad test results at your own peril.

And because not everything is Google is negative, a non-Google free web-based game uses a mashup of Family Feud and Google search suggestions. The game is extremely ADDICTIVE so don’t blame us for those 40 minutes you just lost.

News You Should Know

Mobile-Friendly Test

Google’s own “mobile-friendly” test. Enter your website’s address and either pass or learn what’s wrong. You need to do this now.Google’s own “mobile-friendly” test. Enter your website’s address and either pass or learn what’s wrong. You need to do this now.

Google Feud

The free game where you try to guess how Google autocompletes popular searches.

Readers Lane Launches Newsletter

Readers Lane logoReaders Lane is a fun-to-read website with great book reviews and author interviews (George R.R. Martin, anyone?). The site is managed by our very own Sue and edited by Stephanie P. They’ve launched a newsletter just like this featuring the best content from their site each week. Have a look at the site. You can subscribe on any page.

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