Slow Down Downloading Vista SP2 – Fast Friday Fact

The hype is roaring especially with a new Windows version planned to soon end the Microsoft advertising debacle called Vista.

You may hear about a “service pack upgrade” that purportedly fixes some wireless networking and other issues.  This upgrade was released to a select group of techies six weeks ago.  Yesterday, Microsoft opened that upgrade as part of a poorly-titled “Customer Preview Program”.    Now anyone can download the service pack, but unless you are the IT guru in your shop, you should wait.

That’s not our opinion.  Microsoftie Mike Nash wrote in his blog, “For most customers, our best advice would be to wait until the final release prior to installing this service pack.”

That’s good enough for me.  Unless you don’t mind testing the operating system on a non-critical machine, stay far away from this service pack until the dust settles.

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