Facebook, Snapchat Woo Millennials

Features wars are nothing new among competitors, especially in the digital sector. One-upmanship between Google and Apple is legendary. Google was on the receiving end when Microsoft famously blocked Google Chrome users from updating their computer’s Windows system unless they used a non-Google browser.

Today’s battles are fought more often for specific audiences. Snapchat and Facebook are waging one of the more interesting contests around mobile device users (natives, some call them) up to the age of 35. Google or Amazon sometimes appeal to that audience, but Facebook doesn’t want to only be your grandfather’s social media network, and Snapchat is intent on being an immersive part of young lives.

We have three stories for you today from the last week detailing how Facebook’s Instagram product copied a major Snapchat initiative and simultaneously launched a site for people under the age of 21. If you think that can’t be successful, remember that the original Facebook was limited to college students. Snapchat has responded by spending up to $200 million on what might be the first mobile search engine.

As a bonus, we have a great story from the Washington Post about the 98 personal data points you Facebook advertising makes available to advertisers who want to micro-target audiences. I first spoke about micro-targeting more than 10 years ago, and if there is a way to express even more granularity, please let me know, because micro-micro doesn’t work, but conveys the idea.

Consider this: Silver Beacon recently ran ad campaigns targeting people who worked on Capitol Hill for specific legislators. We used the zip codes of Congressional offices to further target those people. If you met the other criteria AND you worked on Capitol Hill, you could see the ads. But we knew that the target audience could see them.

What does this mean for you and your organization? You can micro target too–more than you ever imagined. And now you can target your audience using their mobile device when they are close to your store or a geographic location. Retailer John Wanamaker said that he knew that 50% of his advertising was effective. He just didn’t know which 50%. Today we know what is effective and in nearly real-time.

Talk with us about your strategy if your organization would profit from sending messages to the most appropriate individuals possible. You can email me at george@silverbeaconmarketing.com.

Header image by Greg Rakozy.

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