Google Buzz Privacy – Fast Friday Fact

Yes, you’ve been buzzed.  We all have.


The way that Facebook’s Beacon project or Amazon’s long ago Buying Circles shredded another layer of privacy.   Using Buzz it’s deceptively simple to share a private email address with a group of people.  Part of that is tied into the use of what is fast becoming an Internet standard:  an @ symbol in front of someone’s name.

Google Buzz includes an email address that you or your correspondent select as part of the reply.  So if I have one regular email address and another super-secret one and you use the @ reply with the super-secret address (maybe because it’s the one you have), you’ll send the email address out into the ether.

Google is rightfully taking lumps because the company didn’t explain this in this beginning.   The folks at Lifehacker have written theperfect primer on Google Buzz privacy.   I encourage everyone to read that work.

But before you go, are you using Google Buzz?  If so, what do you think of it, and did you know about the privacy issues?

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